I've arrived
Hey yall. I bit the bullet and resigned up with for an Old Blogger account. After a little googling it seems if you're already a new blogger member you can't join an old blogger blog. At least I can blog with Flock, which doesn't have new blogger support yet, so that will make it less confusing then switching between two blogger names.
Something else I found out while poking at blogger was that they offer a mobile blog service. I'm not sure how this would be different then simply emailing in posts via SMS but I imagine it has built in support for image tags MMS'd right from your mobile phone. I already do this with flickr, and it's cool here too, but why does it have to create a separate blog for all that? I'd most likely just write a script into my current page that automatically blogs my flickr stream via RSS feed. but anywayyyyy...
My Blogger status culminates in the Mofo Radio page. I use this to provide supplemental info to my weekly radio show on wzbc (since I don't talk on air a lot). Some mp3's, videos, extra research on old crusty records and the like.
I'm also keeping a personal wordpress page for my "experiential" co-op. There I'm required to keep track of my co-op goings on, this class included, so I think I'll use that for future homework references etc. I'm hiding the link because I do not want this google searchable! I vent my frustrations about clients and projects I'm working on and wouldn't want the wrong people to stumble upon it. Not that I say anything nasty but If they found it I might have some splaining to do so keep that one under wraps.
Glad everyone likes flock. I'm going to start sharing my favorites with my completely underused delicious account. Perhaps then if you are on flock on another computer you can set it to retrieve them? You can always just go to your delicious in any case.
Interesting law suite on the Second Life hatred. True anything that addicting can be evil, but recognize the positives. Where else can I visit a 3D model of the ancient pyramids or attend a lecture in Belgium from home? Not saying I do any of that yet, but I will, someday.
On my todo list: share favorites in flock. syndicate Mofo with Digg etc. customize wordpress. buy domain for secret project.
I've been trying to get delicious to work lately but with no avail. Is it supoosed to sync with the browser favorites folder?
About second life, I can definitally see many benifits to the virtual world. Meeting new people, advertising your business, getting a new job, and so on. The idea is really amazing too. But when it comes down to it, it just sounds like a videogame, I really need to try it out. I'll start a virtual internet cafe that plays my music nonestop.
And about my music. I'll bring a copy of my CD monday. I don't have it hosted yet, maybe I'll work on that later this afternoon and you can just DL it. Either way you can put stuff on your radio show if you want.
Also I managed to be on an old blogger and a new blogger. I have no idea how.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 1:06:00 PM
I've only used delicious with the "add too delicious" bookmarks provided by the site. double clicking the star in Flock gives you the option of sharing your favorite so i'm going to try and do this from now on with important pages.
And I feel you on the Second Life video game thing. Somteimes I wonder why everything has to be some glossy 3D representation on a computer. Is ther really where technology is going? while it's a fun way to explore content, it certainly isn't as quick or dynamic as something like shift space. i see this as where the internet is going. streamlined content in constant motion a layer above what we see in the browser. flock is already kind of embracing this idea by letting you just drag and drop photos, links, etc into public webspace. now let's just get rid of the logins. exist as you are! physically!
And perhaps it's because you joined with an old blogger account and THEN made the switch? I think this is why my new blogger can't join up.
And thanks in advance. music appreciated.
Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:24:00 AM
I've been poking around about flock and I've been finding some critical opinions -- "good in theory, not so great in practice" seems to be a theme.
And is it true that the blogger integration with flock only works with "old blogger". This whole "new blogger" thing is going to flop like "New Coke"!
Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:08:00 PM
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