This is the class blog for the Northeastern class, Creating for the Convergence of Media 2.0

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Wordpress and CSS capability.

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So Wordpress will let you edit your CSS layout all day, but if you actually want to SAVE any of the changes you've made it'll cost you the 15 dollar upgrade. Smart thinking. I suppose they give away enough API keys that people will write enough themes that do exactly what people want.  Creates a weird divide between the casual and advanced user though.  Depending on the theme there's a different amount of customization available right in the WP control panel. With the template I've chosen, changing the header was about as much as I could do. Other templates allow you to change background colors, fonts, images, etc all from little tabs built into the theme that show up in your presentation controls (or what they call Template in blogger). As a bi-blogging blogger user as well I've messed with templates all I care too. I had a more CSS and design savvy friend of mine hook up my current blogger so it looks all pretty.  Backgrounds and colors in CSS I could learn, design sense I don't have much of.

The good news is that Firebug works nicely in Flock.  I'm currently installing the wordpress platform on my webspace for my own and a friend's websites so I'm getting to learn the basics of mysql etc.  There I can edit my CSS fully and even download and install themes galore!  Firebug will hopefully come in handy as I take on CSS tasks there.  Again, they'll probably be minimal as I'm bringing in design help from the big guns.

So the CSS scoop on wordpress seems to be host it with them, find a theme you like, host it yourself, and get ready to rumble.  Many sites using the wordpress platform aren't even doing so just for blogging.  You can add limitless pages and tabs and customize as much as you like.   The platform just takes care of the databasing dirty work in a convenient free package.

For audio podcast I subscribed to the Stones Throw podcast.  There's an XML feed that will show up in your RSS reader, but you'll have to actually go the website and click the download link to get them through your browser.  They also offer a feed through the iTunes Music Store so that every time a new cast comes out it shows up in your podcasts playlist where you can click "Get" as apposed to "Buy."  While I don't believe in most of what the iTunes music store does on principle, free content this easily accessible cannot be denied.  As a forward thinking record label (with a clearly vintage influence) it's awesome that Stones Throw gives away so much music in this format.  While not all their podcasts feature Stones Throw music exclusively, if I hear a song from an album Stones Throw carries in the podcast, I'm more likely to buy it.  I'm also a vinyl collector and they offer everything in wax which makes it even better to float digital playlists making me want the hard copy even more. 

Wow that's a lot.  Alright other then that did everyone catch this bomb scare craziness yesterday?  Huge adult swim fan but that aside, why does Boston have to be the city to freak out about this?  Granted, probably a bad idea throwing these up under bridges where there wasn't other graffiti or signs or something.  Reminds me of Graffiti Research Lab stuff, only they seem to mix their stuff in so it's a bit less conspicuous.

Oh and in other other new, Flickr is making everyone get a Yahoo ID now if they want to sign in.  They're doing away with the old email log in system.  To many e-identities strikes again!!! 

one love. I'm out. 

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