This is the class blog for the Northeastern class, Creating for the Convergence of Media 2.0

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Apple & Podcasting

As an Apple lover, in most cases I will go out of my way to buy their products to support their cause (with the exception of my monitor at home, Dell was far too much of a deal to pass up), but when researching podcasts I came upon this link Creating Audio Podcasts and the very first step requires you to buy their Quicktime 7 Pro product if you don't already have it. This brings up the one issue that many people have with Apple and that is the fact that they come loaded with little to no software that is not already completely upgraded. I cringe when I say this, but Windows as far as I know releases Windows Media Player with everything. I mean Quicktime, unless you have the Pro version, doesn't even allow you to go full screen which is enough to piss a lot of people off. Oh well... I guess that's why people invented hacked serial numbers hahaha


Blogger Ryan said...

interesting that they tell you to use quicktime. it's important to note that any audio editing software will do the trick. i'm pretty sure garage band comes standard on new macs and will allow you to record and save to quicktime or mp3 format. Audacity will also work and it's free! Full screen quicktime playback can also be remedied through use of free software. I use Xinema. Peep the links.

Also, as a Jets fan, I could give a crap who wins the superbowl.

Sunday, February 04, 2007 4:38:00 PM

Blogger skype3 said...

I am not a fan of televised sports. Well I am a fan of the G4 network, and that is televised video gaming, which is as meaningless as watching the superbowl. Who cares who wins. The outcome of this event will not establish your place in the world, however it gives us all an excuse to eat lots of food, drink beer til it comes out our ears, and make rowdy noises like the rest of the masses so we can feel like we are in tune with the populous. I am in support of Ryans comment. Who cares about the Super Bowl we all know that everyone simply watches it for the commercials.

- Scott

Sunday, February 04, 2007 5:30:00 PM


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