Hey class. I've made my blog about my musical moniker Katomusic seeing that my website will never get done. I'm gonna give updates about releases, my life, and my thoughts (seeing that's what blogs are for). Also by accident I have switched to the new blogger. Gotta be honest, I really can't tell what the difference is. All I know is my spellcheck stopped working in the new version, hmm. Anywaysss here's the link to my blog:
Also using my google customized desktop today I realized they released some really cool upgrades. Each link for each RSS feed can now be expanded showing a blurb from the article as well as pictures. It's nice for Digg and Reddit stories (or any article for that matter) with bland names and is just nice that I no longer need to steer away from the homepage if I don't need to.
Also Flock is F'ing nice. Great for blogging and great for RSS. I can't say the news section is going to replace my google desktop, but it is tempting... I would like them to update the engine to the Firefox 2.0 one, but still works flawlessly. It's just me being osd about having the most recent version.
In other news, my web 2.0 company has began lawsuits against
www.getafirstlife.com. Apparentlly they don't want there users switching over or competing with the other lives they lead.
That is all!